Faculty Lecture

Saturday, October 08, 2011 ·

We are pleased to invite you to a Faculty Lecture:

“Death by PowerPoint"

by Dr Tayyab Hasan
MBBS, PG Dip. Med. Ed., MHPE
PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences

Date: 12 October 2011
Time: 12:00 pm
Venue: Lecture Theater 1, PAPRSB IHS


PowerPoint presentations are very popular in delivering lectures and other materials. Millions of copies of this program have been sold all around the world. There is no doubt that it helps the speaker or lecturer to assemble professional looking slides and to deliver the material to audience without fear of missing something important. In short, PowerPoint makes life easy for the presenter. With enormous scientific development and increasing complexity of subjects, the amount of information needed to be delivered has also increased and the result is often an unending stream of slides with loads of information in the form of bullet lists. Animations, designs, colours, font sizes, styles and cartoons are used in order to make presentation more interesting and appealing for the audience.

In recent years, the phrase `Death by PowerPoint` has become popular in describing the adverse effects of badly prepared PowerPoint presentations. Studies have shown that animations obscure rather than clarify the point. Similarly, the cartoons used in slides usually distract rather than convey the message. Overall the format of presentation becomes more important than the content.

The purpose of this lecture is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using PowerPoint based on research and evidence; and to identify the ways to enhance understanding and deep learning by presenting material in a way that helps in information processing rather than mere information presentation.

All are welcome to attend.



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Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Universiti Brunei Darussalam

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This blog is created based on life in PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences, UBD. Formerly known as Institute of Medicine (IM) located at the small building next to the UBD Herbal Garden, it used to be just a small group and thus, we call ourselves as family, and now the family grows even much bigger!! So this blog is a home to all the family members to catch up with everyone with new fantabulous updates.

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BHSc. in Medicine
BHSc. in Biomedical Science
BHSc. in Nursing
BHSc. in Midwifery
DHSc. in Nursing
DHSc. in Midwifery
DHSc. in Paramedic
MRes Biomedical Science
MSc Primary Health Care
Master of Public Health
PhD Public Health
PhD Biomedical Science

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