Small PBL Open Room for Raya Celebration

Tuesday, October 06, 2009 ·

The Biomedical Sciences Cohort 1 organised a small PBLOpenRoom, also known normally as Open House. Those who came were DrMas, Prof Mohammad, Dr Abiola, Aswir, and Medicine Cohort 4.

Group photo with DrMas
They even had ‘fire’ on the cucul api outside the room.

The food was mostly Raya cakes, so the Raya mood was totally ON.

This photo actually looks as if Adam was going to do Joget dances!

Zirah, Qilah M, Mas and Qilah A.
Haiza gave us these fancy chocolates, however she didn’t manage to attend the celebration. Thanks Haiza!

The biomedical scientists posing with Zahar’s pose!
If you do not know, his famous pose is the handgun as seen below.

Group photo with Aswir, our very helpful technician.
Ainuddin, Zahar and Leslie – as you might have realised, Zahar’s pose is already well known.

Group photo of Medicine Cohort 4 and Biomedical Sciences Cohort 1

On behalf of everyone, Im sorry to those who didn’t know about this small celebration. It was organised just to make full use of the decorations we did before the semester break. Not to forget, tomorrow is Raya Celebration for all IMians!!



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Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Universiti Brunei Darussalam

About this blog

This blog is created based on life in PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences, UBD. Formerly known as Institute of Medicine (IM) located at the small building next to the UBD Herbal Garden, it used to be just a small group and thus, we call ourselves as family, and now the family grows even much bigger!! So this blog is a home to all the family members to catch up with everyone with new fantabulous updates.

Hope you enjoy reading this blog and thank you for visiting.


BHSc. in Medicine
BHSc. in Biomedical Science
BHSc. in Nursing
BHSc. in Midwifery
DHSc. in Nursing
DHSc. in Midwifery
DHSc. in Paramedic
MRes Biomedical Science
MSc Primary Health Care
Master of Public Health
PhD Public Health
PhD Biomedical Science

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