The Japanese students are here!!! Arrived last Monday and their welcoming ceremony was held yesterday (You might catch them in the paper this morning-date 23rd July 2008). I joined them for dinner last night. They thought us to play 'Gue Clap Gue Clap' game (coz I have no idea what its call in Japan). It was fun and that game brings the Buddies and the Japanese close together. Here are some pics. Their will be in IM for a month, so take a chance to meet them if you see them around. They are a very lively bunch. (Will get some more pics next time)
About this programme- it is a join collaboration between IM, UBD and Kagawa University, Japan. It has already been three years in a row where they send their students to Brunei in July Summer Holiday and we send our students to Japan during December Holiday. Only few selected and lucky IM students will become their buddies and joined their various activities to get to know more about Brunei. Their next exciting challenge is include OBBD where they will go to Belalong this Friday.
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