Group photos~

Friday, June 13, 2008 ·

Time does pass by very quickly. We can't believe it has been 3 years already!

So what have we been up to post exams? like the other cohorts We are definitely waiting anxiously for our results. Apart from us busy doing our respective procedures/process for our transfer to the Partner Medical Schools (medical checkups, UBD clearance, immunisation, filling forms!!), we’re trying as much as possible to make use of our (last?) long holidays before we enter clinical years.
In Year 1: group photo- the infamous white IM jersey:
;P trust me there are many really old photos of us..that we'd rather not put up LOL
In Year 3: we've taken tons ands tons of photos together as this is our final year, we're really going to miss each other, Sonia has left for Singapore, the staff/ lecturers/ doctors, the other cohorts, the RIPAS hospital and the studying evironment as a whole..
last clinical placement with Dr Elizabeth Chong the one where we did venepuncture on each other
Thai Restaurant Dinner with Dr Nurol and Dr Zul
Photo of our last OSCE Exam in IM,UBD- us looking nervous but still smiling :)

Post OSCE with Kenny, Dr Zul, Mariah and Dr Hanna
Post- Exam gathering with Dr Mas and Prof. McCrorie
most photos are courtesy of Sarah Tay
more to come....
special mention: Congratulations to Zetti on your wedding! (Mana photos ?? ;))



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Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Universiti Brunei Darussalam

About this blog

This blog is created based on life in PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences, UBD. Formerly known as Institute of Medicine (IM) located at the small building next to the UBD Herbal Garden, it used to be just a small group and thus, we call ourselves as family, and now the family grows even much bigger!! So this blog is a home to all the family members to catch up with everyone with new fantabulous updates.

Hope you enjoy reading this blog and thank you for visiting.


BHSc. in Medicine
BHSc. in Biomedical Science
BHSc. in Nursing
BHSc. in Midwifery
DHSc. in Nursing
DHSc. in Midwifery
DHSc. in Paramedic
MRes Biomedical Science
MSc Primary Health Care
Master of Public Health
PhD Public Health
PhD Biomedical Science

History of visits