During the recent Chinese New Year, a lot of the students took the time to celebrate it by visiting each other's houses including Kenny's. It was a good opportunity for us to have some fun and get to know each other a little bit more better. The celebrations were just the thing to de-stress ourselves after the Charity Evening =p. Here are some of the pictures we took. Enjoy.
Chinese New Year 2008
National Medical Ethics Symposium 2008 at SSB Hospital KB
Information for international students
If you would like to download the application form, you can go to this site. Click here
All completed application forms together with relevant documents/transcripts must be returned BY POST OR COURIER ONLY to the following address:
International Office
Attn: Assistant Lecturer
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Jalan Tungku Link
Gadong BE1410
Brunei Darussalam
All applications must reach the office before the deadlines mentioned below:
- Fee-paying:
Undergraduate – 15 April
Postgraduate - 15 April
- Non-Graduating/Exchange Students:
- Semester 1, for admission in August: 15 May
- Semester 2, for admission in January: 30 October
Postgraduate - 15 May
Please take note that incomplete and incorrectly filled application forms will not be entertained.
National Day 2008
Happy National day everyone. Came to the show this morning and the performance were really good today! Amazing really. Very well done to the coordinators and big applause to the participants who sweat their way to make an excellent show. I took a few pics from the UBD group but the picture didn't turn out really well coz of the moving. But here is a few pics and videos.
The Institute of Medicine of the Universiti Brunei Darussalam, which pioneers undergraduate and postgraduate education in Health Sciences in Brunei Darussalam, is holding its third Annual Academic Sessions on Sunday, 9th March 2008.
The sessions are open to presentations from all Health related professionals and scientists. Papers will be grouped as biomedical sciences, community health, medicine or surgery. The presentations will report novel findings of interest to the Health sector in Brunei and/or worldwide.
They will be of 15 minutes duration followed by 5 minutes of discussion. An abstract of the proposed presentation, not exceeding 400 words, concisely outlining the background of the work, the methodology and materials used, the findings as well as the significance of the findings in the context of existing knowledge, should be submitted not later than Wednesday, 20th February 2008. Exceptional paperswill be presented with an award.
Authors are also invited to submit the content of their presentations as full papers for consideration for publication in the Brunei Darussalam Journal of Health in 2008. The Journal is available online in the UBD library website.
Format for submission of abstract
Name and title of presenting author
* Present affiliation
* Institution[s] where the work was done
* Title of the presentation
* Names of all authors and their respective affiliations
* Abstract [not exceeding 400 words].
This should be divided into paragraphs giving:
1. the background or current state of knowledge in the field and the rationale for the investigation or study;
2. the methods employed;
3. the materials used in the study;
4. the results obtained in the study;
5. the significance of these findings for the field; and
6. full references to published work if any.
Abstract should be submitted by Wednesday, 20th February 2008, whilst the Registration form should be submitted by Saturday, 1st March 2008.
Registration Fees
Registration Form
The registration fee [waived for participants presenting papers] will be BND25 and includes refreshments.
An exhibition by medical and laboratory suppliers will also be held at the sessions.
Additional Information
For additional information, please contact:
Zeti Kamela bte Matasan
Assistant Registrar
2463001 ext 1788
Associate Professor Ranjan Ramasamy
2463001 ext 1965
at the
Institute of Medicine
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Phone: +673 2463001 ext 1906/1788
Fax: +673 2461081
Time to get paid
I was browsing the internet one day and I found a site that pays bloggers to post. Interesting actually. I checked their website and they let you sign up for free. Now, how many bloggers have you seen in Brunei that advertise a company's product for free? You write your reviews about the them and generate traffic to their site, for free. Who get the benefits here? PayPerPost or so I called it PPP allows blogger to say about a product or a company in their post and get paid.
Anyone who have a blog can sign up really. It is that easy. I signed up a few days ago and I was approved! Yay... It is about time that I can earn some money from this blog. I need to get a personalised domain once I have enough cash to maintain this site. What would be the best domain name suited for this site? imdabest.com, institutemedicine.com, imedicine.com? Well, I will make a poll one day for the new url, once I got paid.
Another good thing about PPP is that they provide tutorial videos in their site. I need that. They guide you step by step on how to get you started. They are a list of advertiser at PPP and you can choose which product you want to accept that is suited with your blog. You can visit their site if you need more information.
word of mouth ethics
BHSc Health Science / Medicine- ver 1
BHSc Health Science started 3 years ago and since then we have 46 local and international students. This programme is a 3 year ordinary degree in UBD and once you have the degree, will have the opportunity to continue another +/-3 years of MBBS overseas. We have almost 7 partner medical school in Canada, U.K and Australia. This programme have become more well known locally and abroad.
"I came to know of the Institute of Medicine from my Uncle residing in London. He was aware of my ambitions of becoming a Doctor, and having met with some representatives from the IM (in London) he was more than convinced that UBD's six-year, double degree program would befit my medical aspirations. The education is top notch and interactive (Problem Based Learning), the environment is suitable for learning, the faculty is so supportive, and the students are all very well rounded. I love it here." - Mohamed M. Sheikh, New York.
If you have 3 A'level with 3 grade B's and you have a credit for your English O'level, you can apply. After we call you, you will undergo a vigorous 'Mini Multiple Interview'. It is basically a multiple interviews in a circuit. It is so tough that this is where almost half the students didn't get through. But, here are some tips from one of the first year student.
- Preparation – prepare, prepare and prepare!
- Good Nutrition and Adequate Rest – eat and sleep!
- Dress Smart – mirror, mirror and mirror!
- Behaviour - polite, awareness and smile!
- Calm and steady – breathe, breathe and breathe!
- Be yourself – focus, focus and focus!
Stick around to find out more. I have more tips...
In Focus: Ak Kamarunsalehin
'Sal' is what we called him. Here is his in-focus segment.
How old are you?
What's your favourite animal?
Face huggers
Do you like having your picture taken? Why?
Not really... low profile lah
What size of shoe do you wear?
9 US
What do you do most when you're bored?
Lepak...Dota!!!... Chess??
3 things about yourself
Ambitious, Babal, Glorious...
Math or Science?
Science of course!!
Gym or music?
To make it easy...music?!
Favourite type of ice cream
Sexy chocalate...Umm...
Had you been in accident?
Which one??
What is your favourite TV show?
I don't watch TV
Favourite food?
Cold soba with cold raw egg? Yuk...sushi lah
Define love
OMG! Not you too! Makan tak kenyang mandi tak basah..
Any celebrity crushes?
MJ? Britney? I don't have any
3 things you hate
Politics, conspiracy, betrayal
This year's resolution?
Forget about women...for this semester... <---this funny="" one="" really="" s="" span="">---this>
Your MSN nick?
No retreat, no surrender, no sacrifice, no victory
Current mood?
Mental, siuk eh charity and CNY!
Best childhood memory?
Menyalamkan tikus...research with rats started at 7...
Whose car were you last?
More pics in papz blog
Thanksgiving Ceremony
A thanksgiving ceremony for the conversion to Islam for Dr Muhammad Khairul Anwar Abdurrahman Harry @Charles H.V. Hoyle was held yesterday afternoon at UBD's mosque. In the morning, we all are busy preparing for the ceremony. We help wrapping the presents and preparing the bunga telur. Welcoming our new brother, the VC and the principle officers were also invited together with our favourite doctor--->Dr Zul!!! Started with an Asar prayer followed by 'Marhaban' and then the gift presentations. Here are some pics...(sorry for the bad quality. I can't pass through the guys' side)
Urgent Announcement
All students,
Please collect your green slip from the IM office. 'Babu' is worried. Hehe..
Have a nice day...
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Universiti Brunei Darussalam

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Hope you enjoy reading this blog and thank you for visiting.
BHSc. in Biomedical Science
BHSc. in Nursing
BHSc. in Midwifery
DHSc. in Nursing
DHSc. in Midwifery
DHSc. in Paramedic
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