An Artist Drew Our Building

Monday, December 27, 2010 · 0 comments

Artist name: Nabil Fikri Haronli

BMedSci (Honours) Graduation at University of Nottingham

Saturday, December 11, 2010 · 0 comments

10th December 2010, a graduation ceremony was held for the students of University of Nottingham to award (among others) Bachelor of Medical Sciences (Honours) degrees. Among these students were 3 of Cohort 2 of IHS' BHSc/Medicine students: Divyen Menon, Dk Nur Izyan Nadhirah Binti Pg Mohammad and Muhd Najib Adib Bin Hj Muhd Naibi.

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Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Universiti Brunei Darussalam

About this blog

This blog is created based on life in PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences, UBD. Formerly known as Institute of Medicine (IM) located at the small building next to the UBD Herbal Garden, it used to be just a small group and thus, we call ourselves as family, and now the family grows even much bigger!! So this blog is a home to all the family members to catch up with everyone with new fantabulous updates.

Hope you enjoy reading this blog and thank you for visiting.


BHSc. in Medicine
BHSc. in Biomedical Science
BHSc. in Nursing
BHSc. in Midwifery
DHSc. in Nursing
DHSc. in Midwifery
DHSc. in Paramedic
MRes Biomedical Science
MSc Primary Health Care
Master of Public Health
PhD Public Health
PhD Biomedical Science

History of visits